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Thrive off the ladder.

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Are you ready to thrive off the ladder and start a business?

You’ve Helped Build Everybody’s Dreams EXCEPT Yours …

You’ve created the professional and personal life that far exceeded your expectations from climbing the slippery corporate ladder to being a nurturing caregiver and positive influence in your community

You are grateful… but

That accidental corporate career is not lighting you up or that highly sought after profession you once loved has become a daily mundane of task and red tape and deep in your soul you want to contribute to the world on your own terms without limitations!

Every day you feel the nudge to use your gifts, skills and talents outside the confines of a corporate office but you are not sure where to focus and what resources you need to succeed. Having a supportive and knowledgeable business expert by your side is imperative when you take the leap!

Arthur Ashe said it best: “Start where you are. Use what you have.”

You are not broken
the system is!

You’ve done all the things. Played by the rules, read the latest “how to” book, your credentials are impressive  but the more you do, the more they take and the less joy you feel about your work life.

I remember when I finally realized that I was not the problem. By the way, I’m Twanna Toliver, a passionate corporate misfit turned trained Business Strategist. Now, after spending 15 years in corporate America, I was left feeling like I played by the rules way too long without getting a good return for the time and energy I spent.

So, when I finally realize that everything I built and learned in corporate could be used to help other women to thrive off the slippery corporate ladder and create their own economy through their hard won expertise I knew nothing was wasted! 

Whether you are ready to thrive off the ladder full time and start your own business or want to trade in your evening Netflix binge for time spent on a side hustle you are passionate about that can add to your income, I’m here to help! With me by your side staying stuck in stale jobs that only offer challenging personalities and not work will be a thing of the past. 

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